The World Leaders and Homosexuality Legalisation: The Secret Behind
The Way of the Gay? Endorsed by John Reinhard Dizon
World Leaders and Homosexuality by Maxwell Acquah is a detailed report
on the matter of homosexuality from a Christian perspective.
Essentially an argument against the lifestyle, the author provides us
with an opening statement on prevailing social views. He then
opinionates on modern-day values as juxtaposed against Church dogma.
Acquah concludes his treatise with his own theory on world politics
and its place in apocalyptic prophecy.
The author points to the aberrational nature of gay sex as the primary
reason why such practices have been banned by most societies and
cultures. We also see the clash of ancient vs. modern philosophy as
the argument has evolved beyond the greater good of society to the
rights of the individual. The Church finds itself addressing the
polemic from a position of compromise: trying to support its
traditional values while remaining relevant in a modern society. Yet,
according to Scripture, there will be a time where not only the Church
and its followers, but all mankind will be forced to take a stance as
the One World Government one day becomes a reality.
For Christian scholars and sociologists alike, World Leaders and
Homosexuality by Maxwell Acquah provides a traditionalist perspective
on an increasingly divisive issue.
LIFE ALTERING EYE OPENING READ! - Endorsed by Jacqueline M Piepenhagen
Author, Maxwell Kobina Acquah Yeful, has written his views on the
issue of homosexuality from a Christian perspective in his newest
nothing to the imagination. Fact for fact, Maxwell has painstakingly
defined all major words pertaining to homosexuality with open and
honest description.
Maxwell is well educated and trained to addresses major "social
issues" with thorough analysis of all the aspects relating to gay and
lesbianism. I feel he has done a respectful job in reviewing this
"social phenomenon" as to not offend anyone.
Even though this book is a short read, it is filled with valuable
information including the history on the issues of homosexuality from
the ancient times to present. Homosexuality will continue to be a
divisive issue worldwide for many years to come.
Regardless of your denomination, religious orientation or affiliation,
all the author's inspirational books will help you, the reader to be
enlightened to the "social issues" facing the world today.
I do recommend this book for anyone needing guidance in today's chaotic world.
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