God gave man power over all creatures He has made, Genesis 1:28 – 30,
but there was a condition attached to that freedom and power over all
things God has created. Genesis 1:28 – 30
In Genesis 2:15 –
17, God asked man not to touch nor eat the fruit of good and evil, if
they do, they shall surely die. This is the condition attached to the
free will and power God gave over all things. One would ask, if God is
Alpha and Omega, all knowing, and not limited why has He attached
conditions to man’s power over all creatures? The answer is simple –
Because God does not want to control man like a robot that is why he
gave man the free will of choice. Another question one would also ask is
that, how could Satan deceive man? Because the power he was originally
given by God when he was in God’s Kingdom, was still within him after he
had been thrown out from Heaven. ‘God does not take back gifts He gives
to people, but you cannot use that gift to
fight against Him’ that’s why Satan could still operate, but he will be
condemned finally at the judgment day. Adam and Eve were affected by
what I called ‘the WWH factors’ – when, where and how. These led them to
obey Satan rather than the Almighty God. Satan capitalised on their
free will God had given to them. He approached Eve by asking her
questions of the conditionality GOD had given to them. Satan is very
intelligent, he knew that Adam will be very difficult to be deceived
that is why he approached Eve; (why did he choose Eve), Genesis 3 gives
an account to this. Adam and Eve did not know where, when and how
possible they will die if they disobey God Almighty. But they did die in
spirit when they ate the fruit of good and evil.
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